Shipping Policy

Shipping Policy

We offer free worldwide shipping on all orders.

All orders are processed within 3 business days (up to 14 business days when you have selected an accompanying frame. Once processed, orders are shipped within 1 business day. Depending on your location, average shipping times range between 1-4 business days.

For any other questions regarding this matter, please contact us at

Please ensure all delivery information is correct. If there is incorrect and/or missing information, we may be required to contact you to update the delivery information, which may cause delays in delivering your order. Delays may also occur as a result of customs clearance.

Your local customs office may require additional documents and time to clear your package, which may delay the estimated delivery time.

According to our shop policy, buyers are responsible for any Duties and Import Taxes that may apply. For more questions or information about Duties and Taxes, reach out to

Your order may be delivered to you by either the local post office or a local courier. Depending on your area, most orders will be delivered by your local post service, so the package will be received with your regular mail. If you are not home when the delivery is made, a notice card may be left by the postal service to advise on how and where your delivery can be collected.